Sunday, 30 November 2008

What is your wish for Christmas?

Also this morning, we had the opportunity to share our Christmas wish for our world, our communitites and/or our families.

If you weren't there, please feel free to share your Christmas wish.

If you were there, please post your've had more time to think about it so it might even of change (or you might have thought of another one!)

How far is it to Bethlehem?

In FOJ Club today we were looking at the journey that Mary and Joseph took to get them to Bethlehem. It must have been a pretty horrendous journey....although the stories we read make it all sound very lovely!

What is the longest journey you have ever taken and what was it like?

I'm guessing it wasn't as bumpy as Mary and Joseph's!!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Patience - King David

Although David was annointed at an early age, to be King, it didn't happen straight away. God made him wait....during that waiting time, life wasn't easy for David, but God was faithful.

I wonder what you are waiting for....don't give patient...God is faithful.

Patience - Michael Jordan

On Sunday we thought about patience. Michael Jordan didn't become such a talented basketball player over took practice, determination....and patience!